MicroNova MSAA-8NS Microfiber Mop Covers for MegaSwat™ Mops, 3" x 8"
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The MicroNova MegaSwat™ blade style mop is ideal for cleaning around heavy process equipment or calibrated apparatus in the lab and cleanroom. Featuring a flexible blade with a choice of slipcovers, the MegaSwat™ is uniquely designed to clean under and around equipment, return air vents, and narrow chambers.
The MegaSwat™ Tool is available in two standard lengths, 8" and 16", and two primary widths, 1" and 2". Blades are typically HDPE, but available in PTFE or LDPE for additional flex and Nylon for stiffness. The QD version is designed to work with the SSU series handles, the QP version is used with ACME threaded plastic handles.
MegaSwat™ Mops are available with or without a foam interior in a variety of cleanroom fabrics. The covers are available gamma irradiated for aseptic applications. Lightweight and easy to use, the low-profile mop is for use wet or dry for cleaning or disinfecting in ISO 5 to 9 areas.
- Single ply and foam lined mops easily glide under and behind equipment.
- Range of fabrics to match cleaning needs including NovaPoly™, PolySorb™, Microfiber, MegaTex™, and PolyMesh.
- Blades are available in a range of widths and four materials: HDPE, LDPE, PTFE, and Nylon.
- Compatible with alcohols, standard cleaners and strong disinfectants.
- Covers are autoclavable, available gamma radiated, and can be laundered for reuse.
- MegaSwat™ Tools with HDPE, PTFE and Nylon blades are autoclavable.
- QD Adapters used with SSU stainless steel series of handles.
- QP Adapters used with STAH and STAEH ACME threaded plastic handles.
- Manufacturing Standards: ISO 9001 Certified Facility
- Material Color: MSAA: Blue
- Material Outer Layer: Microfiber, 80% Polyester, 20% Polyamide
- Material Interior: MSAA-8NS: No foam
- Dimensions: MSAA-8: 2.5" x 8" (6.3 cm x 20 cm)
- For Use With (as needed): QDMS Stainless Steel MegaSwat™ Tool with SSU series handles or QPMS Plastic MegaSwat™ Tool with STA series threaded handles. Match cover suffix numbers with adapter suffix numbers.
- Autoclavability: Autoclavable
- Chemical Compatibility: Good Compatibility with standard disinfectants and cleaning solutions
- Packaging: Individually Bagged
- Traceability: Part number and lot number on each bag and case
- Irradiation Standards: Not Irradiated
- Certificates: Certificate of Conformance